How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat
Aerobic exercise will help you burn the fat the best. Exercises like this include jogging, swimming, cardio workouts, and running. If you do not have a lot of time during the day, you can incorporate your workout in your normal routine. Instead of walking your dog, you might want to jog instead of walk. You might try a cardio workout while watching television instead of sitting on the couch and doing nothing.
Burning fat requires a lot of discipline and work on your part, but building muscle takes more determination. Having muscles will help your body become stronger and will not turn those calories you intake turn into fat. You will want to stay on the diet you are on when trying to burn fat, but you will need to add more protein to your diet regimen. Muscle is made of protein. So in order to keep the muscles you are building, protein in your diet is a must.
Exercise is also very important to build muscle. The only difference is that you want to do anaerobic exercises such as weightlifting to build up your muscle. So aerobic exercises will burn your fat and anaerobic exercises will build the muscle.
If you are just skinny and want to gain weight, then you will want to skip the areobics and just stick to diet and weight lifting. It might sound hard at first, but when you are able to take off your shirt at the pool without being embarrassed, it's well worth it! more
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